What kinds of metadata can I edit?

You can edit almost any field of metadata with the exception of the Vendor ID and Apple ID. To edit metadata, visit My Movies.

How do I replace poster art for a movie?

To replace poster art:

  1. Go to My Movies.
  2. Search for the movie you want to update.
  3. To replace art worldwide, click Worldwide Metadata. To add or replace art for a territory, click Art by Country.
  4. Add the new poster art.
  5. Click Save.

You also have the option to replace poster art with an asset-only delivery in Transporter.

Why was the year the film was released added to my film title?

To make it easier for iTunes customers to find and purchase a specific film, the year the film was originally released may be added to the title so it is not confused with similar titles. For example, films that have been remade or films with the same title often include the year the film was originally released in the title. Do not remove the year the film was released from the film title.

After I’ve changed the title and/or synopsis in My Movies how soon will I see my changes on the iTunes Store?

It can take up to 24 hours for changes made in iTunes Connect to be reflected on the store. If it has been more than 24 hours, check the Localized Metadata tab for any country- or region-specific title or synopsis information that may be overriding the worldwide metadata.

Why can’t I edit the film details for a specific country or region in iTunes Connect?

If you have a limited view in iTunes Connect or need to make a modification for a country or region that isn’t listed, contact your company’s iTunes Connect Admin user to make sure your account has appropriate access.

Why is the metadata for a film I successfully delivered via Transporter not displaying in iTunes Connect?

While metadata for uploaded film usually appears in iTunes Connect within a few hours, it can take several days for the film to complete encoding and for QC status to appear. If you are an encoding house, you can use the Status mode in Transporter to get information about the status of your film.

If the metadata is still not displaying several days after you successfully delivered via Transporter, contact us.

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