iTunes Connect, Delivery

Manage transactional movie content

After a movie has successfully been uploaded and imported, you can use iTunes Connect to manage your movie’s metadata and artwork, view chapter details, review iTunes Extras, adjust pricing, and review a movie’s Quality Control (QC) status and any related issues to fix. You can also download scratch encodes to help you sync alternate audio or closed captions to a movie you’ve already sent us.

Review content status for movies

Manage availability, pricing, country rights, and ratings for your content on Rights and Pricing in iTunes Connect. Check your content’s status to ensure availability for each country. Content statuses on iTunes Connect include:

  • On Store: The content is available for sale, pre-order, or rent.
  • Ready for Store: The content is ready for release on the set sales start date.
  • Not on Store: The content is not available.

Click Not on Store to see the reason why your content is not available.

Interval pricing

Interval pricing allows you to change your content pricing over time. This is useful for sales and other temporary pricing changes that have a definite beginning and end date, as well as permanent pricing changes that have no end. Pricing intervals can be used for Electronic Sell Through (EST) and Video on Demand (VOD). See Interval Pricing for more information about how to set up interval pricing in iTunes Connect, and see the Apple Transactional Film Specification for information about how to deliver interval pricing information via XML.

Batch updates

If you need to make a large number of changes, you can enter the data in our batch update template, and upload a CSV file to iTunes Connect. You can make changes for multiple vendor IDs at the same time, across all movie territories and fields on Rights and Pricing. See Making Batch Updates for more information and see Spreadsheet Validation to ensure your CSV file meets all requirements before submission.

Catalog Reports

You can download a Catalog Report for Film, Film Bundle, Film Pricing, Film QC Status, and Hidden Film in iTunes Connect. Go to My Movies and click Reports to submit a request. You will receive an email notification once your report is available for download. All reports are formatted as tab-delimited .txt files.

Promo codes

Promo codes provide free copies of your movie for promotional or publicity purposes. Recipients can redeem promo codes on the Apple TV app for an EST copy of your movie in the territory where the promo code was requested. These codes are not available for VOD movies. The device on which the movie is downloaded determines whether the movie will be provided in 4K, HD, or SD.

A user with the Legal or Admin role must enter into a separate promo code agreement to request promo codes for a movie. A maximum of 50 promo codes per title can be requested; codes are valid for four weeks from the request date. The number of requested promo codes will be deducted from the 50 codes allotted for the movie. If the requested codes are not redeemed within four weeks, they will expire. Expired promo codes cannot be recovered or requested again.

To request promo codes, a user with the Legal or Admin role can find the movie in My Movies and click Promo Codes. Enter the number of codes you would like to request and click Continue. After reading the contract, check the box to agree to the terms and click Continue. After agreeing to the contract terms, click Download to retrieve the promo codes.

Content dispute

If you believe content for which you hold rights is available without proper authorization, contact us.