Overview, Delivery

Transporter basics

Transporter is a Java-based command-line tool that helps you deliver your content to the Apple TV app. If you are using Transporter for the first time, review the quick start section in the Transporter User Guide.

You can run Transporter in various modes available for video content that help you validate XML files and .itmsp packages before delivery, upload assets and metadata, and monitor your delivery. Review the Run Transporter section in the Transporter User Guide to learn more about each mode, the associated command-line options, and Apple best practices. Refer to the full list of command-line options and values for descriptions.

Common Transporter modes

Here are the most common modes you should become familiar with:

  • Schema: Retrieve a schema file to validate your XML files before packaging and sending them to Apple.
  • Verify: Verify your .itmsp packages and ensure that metadata and assets meet technical requirements before delivery so potential issues can be addressed before uploading.
  • Upload: Upload assets and metadata to Apple after you verify they are ready to be delivered. Apple recommends to not specify the -t transport when uploading packages and instead allow Transporter to use automatic transport discovery to determine the best transport mode for your packages. Apple recommends generating a log file, and using the [-v verbosity] option, every time you upload a package. If you need assistance to troubleshoot delivery issues, provide a copy of the eXtreme log.
  • Status: Monitor the state of an .itmsp package and whether or not the package encountered errors or quality review rejections after upload.
  • Lookup metadata: Retrieve the current metadata for a video you previously uploaded. If you previously uploaded an .itmsp package, it is best practice to download the metadata file when you need to make modifications to the XML or assets, so you don’t inadvertently enter inaccurate data. The downloaded metadata file will also include a scratch encode URL, which is a low-resolution video file for your asset. We recommend retrieving the scratch encode to conform new audio or subtitle files before uploading your package again.
  • Provider: This mode is primarily used by encoding houses to obtain a list of providers for which they have permission to upload content. You can also use this mode to obtain the provider short name, which is required in the command line.