Overview, iTunes Connect

How to access iTunes Connect

iTunes Connect is where you manage transactional content, Sales and Trends, contracts, and more.

Once your contract is in effect for at least one territory, users with the Admin role will have access to all applicable iTunes Connect modules. Admins can add new users in Users and Roles in iTunes Connect and assign roles that determine what users can access. All iTunes Connect users must have an Apple ID and a credit card on file.

User roles

Modules Content Admin Legal Finance Sales Technical Read Only Encoder
Agreements, Tax, and Banking Manage your tax and banking information.
Agreements, Tax, and Banking Manage your agreements. Read only Read only
Payments and Financial Reports Access financial reports and payment information.
Sales and Trends View sales data.
Users and Roles Manage iTunes Connect user access. Read only Read only Read
Read only Read only
My Movies/My TV Shows Manage content. Read only Read only Read only Read only

  • Admin: Access to all of iTunes Connect. Admin users can create, edit, or delete other iTunes Connect user accounts. Admins also have access to request promo codes for movies. This role should be assigned to those in your organization who need access to all iTunes Connect functionality, as well as the responsibility of administering other iTunes Connect user accounts.
  • Legal: Access to Agreements, Tax, and Banking, Sales and Trends, and Users and Roles. Users with the Legal role can also request promo codes for movies. These users will also have read-only access to My Movies and My TV Shows. The Legal role cannot be assigned during iTunes Connect user account creation. To assign the Legal role to a new user, they must first be assigned another role, and validate their account. After their account has been validated, an Admin user can assign them the Legal role.
  • Finance: Access to Financial Reports as well as the following: Agreements, Tax, and Banking, Sales and Trends, and Payments and Financial Reports. These users will also have read-only access to Users and Roles and My Movies and My TV Shows. This role should be assigned to those in your organization who need access to sales reports and to provide or view your organization’s financial information.
  • Sales: Access to Sales and Trends. Sales users also have read-only access to Users and Roles.
  • Technical: Access to make content changes in My Movies and My TV Shows. These users will also have read-only access to Users and Roles. This role should be assigned to those in your organization who need access to set up and manage content.
  • Read OnlyThis role will have read-only access to Users and Roles, My Movies, and My TV Shows. This role should be assigned to those in your organization who need access to inspect the status of—but not initiate—changes to content.
  • Encoder: Read-only access to Users and Roles, My Movies, and My TV Shows. This role should be assigned to encoding house contacts authorized to deliver content on behalf of your organization. It is designed for users to obtain status of delivered content but cannot edit items. 

iTunes Connect features

iTunes Connect supports different features for different products. Depending on your contract, you may have access to the following: 

  • Users and Roles: View users on your account and opt in or out of email notifications. Admins and Legal users can add users, assign roles, and remove users.
  • Agreements, Tax, and Banking: Set up or view tax and banking information. Request the latest agreement, and review and accept the latest terms as they become available.
  • Payments and Financial Reports: View and download your monthly financial reports and payments.
  • Sales and Trends: View and download your sales reports.
  • My TV Shows: See the status of your television content in the Apple TV app.
  • My Movies: See status of your movie content in the Apple TV app.
  • Film Tickets: Review tickets that have been flagged for metadata issues.
  • Catalog Reports: Request a report of the content that you have sent to Apple.

Create a new user

Only users with the Admin or Legal roles can create new users in iTunes Connect.

  1. From iTunes Connect, click Users and Roles.
  2. Click the Add (+) button and enter the new user’s first name, last name, and email address. The email address will be the user’s Apple ID.
  3. Assign a role and select the notifications.
  4. The new user will receive an email with a link to activate the account and create a password in iTunes Connect.
  5. To create a new Legal user, an Admin must first assign the user another role. After the user has validated their account, an Admin can assign them the Legal role.

Activate your account

  1. To activate your account and create a password for iTunes Connect, click the activation link in the verification email.
  2. Create your password. If you have an existing Apple ID, use your password associated with that account.
  3. If you are a new user, provide your date of birth as well as a secret question and answer. This information will allow you to reset the password in the future.
  4. Accept the iTunes Connect Terms of Service. You’ll then be directed to the iTunes Connect homepage.

Remove a user

Only iTunes Connect users with the Admin and Legal roles can remove other users.

  1. From iTunes Connect, click Users and Roles.
  2. Select the user you want to remove and click Delete User.
  3. To delete multiple users at once, click Edit in Users and Roles, select the checkbox next to each user’s name, then click Delete.

Note that if you are an Admin, you can’t delete your own account. This can only be done by another Admin.