
August 22, 2022

Film Specifications and Style Guide updates

We recently updated several specifications and guides to help you better manage your Apple TV content.

Provider Review Start Date

To prevent content from being viewable in Extras Previewer and Apple Partner Media Review, use the <provider_review_start_date> tag to specify when the content will become available for review. This tag is optional and used for films only. If the Provider Review Start Date is not specified, the content is available for playback immediately in Extras Previewer and Apple Partner Media Review. This tag is also available in iTunes Connect on the Worldwide Metadata tab. For more information, review the metadata examples.

Sales Start Date and Available for VOD Date Requirement

Starting October 1, we will require <sales_start_date> and <available_for_vod_date> if <cleared_for_sale>, <cleared_for_hd_sale>, <cleared_for_vod>, <cleared_for_hd_vod> is set to true. This will be required through Transporter and iTunes Connect. Update your system to avoid any disruption.

Movies Style Guide 1.3.2

The Movies Style Guide has been updated. See the Revision History section for new and updated items.

Artwork Locales

Locales for poster art will soon be required. We recommend including locales for your artwork as soon as possible in iTunes Connect and through Transporter. This applies to 2:3 and 16:9 artwork for movies.