
November 03, 2023

New Apple Music “Flagged Streams” and “In Review Content” reports

Apple Music is committed to creating a fair and level playing field for all artists and record labels, and does not tolerate stream manipulation in any form. As part of our ongoing commitment to identifying and removing manipulated streams and deceptive content, we are introducing updates and changes to our stream manipulation program. These changes include additional stream checks and new and updated reports.

Please be aware that the current “In Review” report has been renamed “In Review Content.” The report will provide you with a daily look at your specific albums being reviewed by Apple Music. You can also access a new daily “Flagged Streams” report that will show streams of your content flagged for review by Apple Music. These reports, along with the monthly “Excluded Streams” report are all available in our Music Analytics API and are available to all partners.

Please monitor your “In Review Content,” “Flagged Streams,” and “Excluded Streams” reports for more information.

Access the Endpoint Descriptions section of the Music Analytics API guide to review the report schemas and learn more about what happens to streams in review. Be sure to also check out the What's New in This Version section to stay up-to-date on all the latest changes and features of the Music Analytics API.