Create and deliver motion artwork for Apple Music
Adding motion artwork to your albums and artist page can help set the tone of your content before users press play in Apple Music. Motion artwork is a great way to bring your music to life and gives artists another medium to express their creative vision. Find out how to create and deliver captivating motion artwork for albums and artist pages on Apple Music.
Album motion artwork
Take your album artwork to greater heights by enriching it with motion. Album motion artwork is displayed for users on Apple Music for desktop and iOS.
Creating album motion artwork
Artists may now create motion artwork that meets Apple Music’s specifications with the help of several third-party companies, such as Rotor Videos and Immersity AI.
To learn how to create visually consistent and impactful album motion artwork that is easily recognizable on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and smart TVs, visit the Apple Music Album Motion Guidelines. There, you’ll find motion artwork templates to use as a visual guide, artwork specifications, and guidelines on how to create engaging album art that follows our standards. While creating your art, follow the Motion Album Artwork guidelines outlined in the Apple Music Style Guide to ensure your content will be quickly approved and added to Apple Music.
Delivering album motion artwork
When your motion art is complete, take a moment to review it and make sure it meets the Motion Album Artwork guidelines. Once it’s ready to submit, album motion art can be delivered through Transporter. Follow the Apple Music Specification for details regarding supported file formats and how to deliver motion art with Transporter.
For partners that do not deliver through Transporter, please work with a Preferred Provider that delivers motion art.
Artist page motion artwork
An artist page on Apple Music is a reflection of your artist’s work. Engaging motion art can also help users easily identify your artist’s page and keep them coming back.
Creating artist page motion artwork
To learn how to create your own artist page motion art, read the Apple Music Artist Page Motion Guidelines. There you will find standards and best practices to ensure your artwork will be visually consistent, recognizable, and have the greatest impact. You can also access downloadable templates to use when making motion art. For more information on Apple artwork guidelines, review the Motion Policies section of the iTunes Store Artist Image Guidelines.
Delivering artist page motion artwork
Artist page motion artwork can only be delivered by direct Apple Music partners. To submit artist page motion art, use Contact Us and select the Artist Page Motion topic. Provide only the following details: Artist Name, Artist ID, and URL for the file sharing service. It may take 24 - 72 hours for approved artist images to reflect on Apple Music.