Why do I see higher or lower sales for certain periods of time?

It's very common for sales to rise and fall over time, which will show up as periods of high volumes and low volumes in your downloads.

We can't comment on specific reasons why your download volumes might change over time or on other changes in customer behavior including redownloads, purchases, or refunds.

What can I see in Sales and Trends?

To access Sales and Trends, you need to have the Admin, Finance, or Sales role on iTunes Connect. If you're not sure you have one of these roles, check your role in Users and Roles. Here are the two main options in Sales and Trends:

  • The Sales pane displays a graph of high-level data. You can filter this data by territory, content, transaction type, and other dimensions. You can also select a custom time period.
  • The Reports pane gives you access to compressed ZIP files which contain more detailed data in spreadsheet format. Reports are available for specific days, weeks, months, or years.

Why do I see a message in Sales and Trends that my account is pending?

If you see a message that your account is pending when you go to Sales and Trends, usually your updated user role is still being processed. If you're still seeing this message after 24 hours, let us know.

Why can’t I see sales for a particular item?

That item may not be available on the store. Make sure you've accepted the latest agreements in Agreements, Tax, and Banking. If you've accepted the latest agreement, check the Pricing and Availability section and the status for your item on iTunes Connect.

Does the Store Currency filter convert currencies?

No, the Store Currency filter allows you to see your sales and units from customers that purchase your content with the selected currency, but it does not convert all of your sales to that specific currency.

Where can I get more information on Sales and Trends?

You can learn more in our iTunes Connect Sales and Trends Guide.

Why do some U.S. zip codes display fewer than five digits?

Some U.S. zip codes begin with 0. Some spreadsheet software truncates the leading 0 in the zip code, which can lead to zip codes that appear to have fewer than five digits.

How can I identify refund transactions in my reports?

Sales and Trends reports show refunds by product. Refund transactions will have a negative value in the Units field.

Why am I seeing refunds for an amount that is less than the customer price?

Customers that paid for a Season Pass may get a pro-rated or partial refund to to factor in the content they’ve already received.

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