Publish Your Book

Submit your book

Think you’re ready to send your book to Apple? Make sure you’ve done everything on this list:

  1. Check your agreement. In order to publish your book to Apple Books, you need an active Free or Paid Books Agreement. Go to the Business module in iTunes Connect and make sure your agreement status is active and there aren’t any pending steps.
  2. Prepare your files. When you’re ready to submit your full book, check your files to make sure they comply with our Apple Books Formatting Guidelines and Apple Books Asset Guide. You need:
  3. Validate your book. Book validation is a final check to clear your files of any problems that may arise during the submission process. If you created your book in iBooks Author or Pages, it automatically goes through validations during the publishing workflow. If you created an EPUB in another book creation app, it’s a good idea to use an EPUB validator tool to make sure your files are free of issues. Learn more about book validation.
  4. Submit your book. Finally, choose how to get your book to Apple. If you created your book in iBooks Author or Pages, use the publishing workflow within the app to ensure we receive all required information and your books pass through Apple validations. Learn more about publishing with Pages. If you used another book creation tool, use the Apple Books Publishing Portal to send your book to us.