Publish Your Book

Use Pages to publish to Apple Books

Publish your book directly from Pages to Apple Books on your iPad, iPhone, Mac, or online at

  1. Open your document in Pages.
  2. Select Publish to Apple Books.
    • On iPad or iPhone, tap ... , then tap Publish to Apple Books.
    • On Mac, choose File > Publish to Apple Books.
    • Online at, click the wrench icon, and choose Publish to Apple Books.
  3. Follow the prompts to sign in to iTunes Connect.
  4. Choose the seller name under which you want to publish your book.
  5. Select “This is a new book.” Learn more about submitting a book update.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Select a layout. Choose Reflowable for books that are mostly text. Choose Fixed for image-heavy or multi-column documents.
  8. Add your cover by selecting a .jpg or .png file, or use the first page.
  9. Complete the remaining book information fields and click Continue.
  10. Preview your book and your sample if you have one to ensure it’ll look great on Apple Books.
  11. Click Upload if you’re happy with what you see.
  12. Click Go to iTunes Connect to set a price for your book and choose where you want it to be available for purchase.

Set pricing and availability information in iTunes Connect

  1. In iTunes Connect, click My Books.
  2. Select the book. (It can take up to 24 hours to appear in iTunes Connect.)
  3. Click Rights and Pricing.
  4. Add or edit countries, regions, and pricing.
  5. Select one or more countries or regions, and click Save.